Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm Tired...... :)

Sunday I slept a little late till about 9 that is VERY late for me :), Grampa showed up with coffees from D&D :) :), I watched football before work, Got to work and it was soooo busy we had to call someone in to help and thank goodness someone came in on a Sunday. For some reason I didn't mind how busy it was though, hmmm could it have been because the Patriots were KICKING BUTT!!!! HELL YEAAAAAH if you didn't know now you know((THE PAT"s WON 48-28 WOOOOO-HOOOOO)) so it was all good at work. Then the third shift person called in sick so my boss begs us all for someone to stay and do a double as it just so happens I didn't have to be at work in the morning at the other job and I didn't have to go in till 2pm Monday so I said, if you give me the day before Thanksgiving off I will work the overnight and he said yes soooo I did it and I didn't stop the whole night!! I am so exhausted and I only could sleep for like 3 hours when I got home this morning because it wasn't dark out.
So now I'm up and getting ready for work again, I feel like my life is that movie Groundhog day! LOL

Oh...Amanda made a BLOG!!!!!! yayayyyyyyy


Coastie Family of 5 said...

Yeah for Amanda doing a blog :) And if all goes right your Patriots will loose. And your girls rock!!!