Friday, November 21, 2008

Amanda and Rob are coming over for dinner :) :) :)

I'm just sitting here waiting for them to get here.

So I talked to Linda last night and she was telling me about her Thanksgiving plans and everyone is going to her house, that makes me soooo happy for them because they are all so lucky to have so much family all so close together..even if it gets stressful sometimes there is nothing like your family and no one is gonna love you like your family!! I hope they all realize that and are thankful on thanksgiving day for each other. It also makes me sad, ( for me) I miss them soooo much and wish I could be with them on the holidays. I will be with my hubby and kids and I am so thankful for all of them they are the best, we will be spending the day with Bobby's family and they are all awesome so we will have a great day, Melisa and I have to go to work that day so we will also get to spend time with out friends :)

If I could have a wish come true then Debbie and Linda would come and visit me TOGETHER and we would go and pick up Patty and even David :) and spend the whole day together and talk about old times and all the new things going on in our lives. We would start fresh and put the past in the past...where it belongs!!

WOW I have know idea where all that came from,
So ....hopefully Amanda gets here soon, I'm hungry :)


Anonymous said...

awesome dayyyyy

again <3 love you